
Prolutec Learning


Who we are

With over 100 years of experience, we are a national leader in the design and comprehensive management of solutions for industrial maintenance. We work with a wide range of sectors, including textile, plastics, automotive, food, petrochemical, chemical, and energy..

Our mission is to drive a culture of lubrication through learning programs, convinced that knowledge has the power to transform businesses.

What We Do

We drive learning and develop specialized plans focused on implementing reliability-centered lubrication for assets, ensuring a strategic direction to achieve profitability and sustainability.

Promoting a Culture of Lubrication

Lubrication is one of the most important functions in any production process, as it serves to mitigate friction and wear.


Lubrication Culture

To successfully implement a lubrication program, it is essential that all departments involved in machine operation work together in a coordinated manner and maintain a constant willingness to collaborate in established lubrication programs.

Lubrication and Tribology

Lubricant Film: The Competitive Edge.

Tribology ensures that the lubricant film between two friction surfaces is optimal, allowing the mechanism to achieve its specified operating life.

By selecting and using lubricants that minimize wear, reduce energy consumption due to friction, and increase the frequency between relubrications, a competitive advantage can be achieved while ensuring safe and environmentally friendly management.





To study lubrication and tribology based on friction, wear, and lubrication, within the framework of reliability-centered lubrication.

  • Develop a work philosophy that integrates all steps of efficient lubrication.
  • Ensure a qualified workforce.
  • Implement proactive activities to introduce improvements in processes and equipment.
  • Implement proactive activities to introduce improvements in processes and equipment.




Tomar conciencia de cómo se trabaja la lubricación en planta para detectar puntos de mejora, orientados a: Oportunidades de mejora, reducir averías, rentabilidad, competitividad y sosteniblidad.

  • Decrease the number of plant stoppages.
  • Improve equipment reliability.
  • Reduce labor costs associated with downtime.
  • Optimize lubricant purchasing.
  • Prevent lubricant losses due to leaks or unnecessary changes.



Cleaning and lubrication are responsible for 70% of asset failures.

The most critical factor is the protection and handling of lubricants, which is as important as the selection of the lubricant itself.


To promote training and implement contamination control strategies.


To prevent lubricant contamination, the leading cause of equipment wear and the majority of plant shutdowns. To implement processes that comply with safety and hygiene standards.


Lubrication Plan


To review and improve equipment lubrication practices. Lower maintenance costs and increased production output.

  • Standardize, homologate, and identify the oils and greases used in each piece of equipment.
  • Achieve the expected service life of plant equipment.
  • Reduce the number of plant stoppages.
  • Minimize maintenance costs.
  • Implement a lubrication schedule.

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